March 15, 2020
Dear Fairbanks Families,
We hope everyone is doing well. The last several days have been a whirlwind for many people. Please continue to take care of yourself, your family, and practice the recommendations from public health officials. Our school community has done a tremendous job of caring for each other, even from a distance.
Our update below is reinforcing plans sent home Friday as well as some new information. Please read our daily updates over the coming days. There are situations and issues that we did not anticipate. Please be patient as we navigate those challenges together. We look forward to continuing our educational mission with you over the next several weeks. If you have questions, please call our district offices at (937) 349-3731.
District and Public Information
For all information related to COVID-19 and Fairbanks Local Schools please reference our district website at
We will continue to follow the recommendations and orders from the Governor of the State of Ohio, the Ohio Department of Education, and our partner Health Departments. Please continue to reference the resources here: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Union County Health Department, and the Ohio Department of Education (ODE).
Calendar Updates
The Governor’s Office has closed all school activities across the State of Ohio. We will cease all student activities at the conclusion of the Friday, March 13th school day. Below is our calendar for the next three weeks:
Monday, March 16th: Professional Work Day - All Regularly Scheduled Fairbanks Staff
Tuesday, March 17th: Election Day (no school)
Wednesday, March 18th - Friday, March 20th: Remote Learning Days
Monday, March 23rd - Friday, March 27th: Spring Break
Monday, March 30th - Friday, April 3rd: Remote Learning Days
All Student Activities Are Cancelled
We want to provide clarity since there have been questions about campus use. Our campus is closed for student activities. There should not be gatherings of students on campus for any reason. This includes athlete-organized practices or club meetings. By practicing the measures implemented by the Governor, we hope we will be able to return to normal practices in the near future. We are operating with an abundance of caution for the duration of the extended closure.
If your student had medication at school and you will need it over the next three weeks, please call our board office at (937) 349-3731. We will schedule times with families to pick this up. Please remember, the reason why we are closed is to maximize social distancing. Allowing us to plan pick-up times provides safer conditions for our staff, families, and community. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we navigate this together.
Remote Learning Plan
Teachers will be sharing outlines of remote instruction with students today. Please look for communication on our webpage, materials sent home from teachers, emails, or phone calls. Our Professional Work Day will occur Monday, March 16th. Parents should expect remote learning to begin on Wednesday, March 18th.
Parent Resources - Remote Learning
We will begin our remote learning plan on Wednesday of this week. Our teachers and principals will use this as a new opportunity to connect with students. However, there will be challenges that we did not anticipate. One of those challenges is continuing education outside of a traditional school. Our teachers and instructional team will continue to post resources on our COVID-19 web page with resources that will help support student learning during this time.
Two resources making their rounds online are this sample remote learning schedule and remote learning environment. We recognize that each individual family’s situation is different with work schedules and child care, but by providing options for all families, we will be better equipped to continue educational services. Please check out the sample schedule: Remote Learning Sample Schedule and Education Spaces.
Technology Supports
Starting Monday, March 16th there will be a Technology Support Hotline dedicated to serving our students, families, and staff during our extended closure. Please call (937) 349-3731 ext 8000 between the hours of 8:00am - 6:00pm. Email support is also available at
All 5th - 12th grade students have Chromebooks that will allow access to remote learning resources.
If a Kindergarten through 4th grade student does not have access to a family or Fairbanks issued sibling device, please call our Technology Hotline to make arrangements. Please call (937) 349-3731 ext 8000 between the hours of 8:00am - 6:00pm.
If your family or household does not have reliable internet access, Wi-Fi will be available in our parking lot behind the middle school. If you plan to come on campus, please stay near your vehicle and follow previously sent health safety guidelines. Please call our offices if you need assistance or need to make alternative arrangements.
Food Services Plan
We realize having food at home to feed children for these extra meals was not necessarily planned or possible, and we can help. We will offer meals to students for pick up in our communities. Pick up of food will be available on Wednesday, March 18th, Friday, March 20th, Monday, March 30th, Wednesday, April 1st and Friday, April 3rd. Times for food pick up will be 8:30 am through 10:30 am. Please drive to the back of the elementary school for food pick up; there will be directional signs posted.
If you are unable to pick up food, please call our district offices to make alternative arrangements. Our district office phone number is (937) 349-3731 ext 1200.
Illness, Absence, and Attendance
Fairbanks Local Schools have plans in place to continue the educational mission; however, the health of our staff and students is what’s most important. If someone is symptomatic or has contracted the disease, their focus should be on getting better. Please continue to follow the safety and health guidelines provided by the CDC. As a parent or guardian, if you or your student is sick, please contact your building principal. Our schools will work directly with families to ensure the health, safety, and well-being of all.
A general expectation for our 5th through 12th graders is to login everyday on our Remote Education Days listed above. For Kindergarten through 4th grade students and parents, please follow the directions sent by your teachers last week. We will continue to evolve and reshape our plans as we pivot to this new instructional platform.
Our district office is planning regular video communications and email updates to our parents and staff. Our district webpage will be updated frequently. Our district office will be available by phone and email Monday through Friday from 7:30am - 4:00pm by calling (937) 349-3731 ext. 1200 or emailing Our technology support will be available Monday - Friday from 8:00am - 6:00pm by phone at (937) 349-3731 ext. 8000 and email at
Our district is committed to serving all of our families. As needs or questions arise, please call our offices. There will be new challenges this week that we have not planned for. Fairbanks will continue to make decisions based on the guidance and information received by our governor, the Ohio Department of Health and local health partners. We will continue to provide regular updates as guidance and planning shifts to support our families.
For Fairbanks,
Adham Schirg
Fairbanks Local Schools