Good morning - Due to dense fog, Fairbanks Local Schools will be operating on a two-hour delay schedule for Monday, December 16. Please continue to monitor disitrict communications throughout the morning. See you soon Panthers!

Happy Thanksgiving! Please check out our latest blog "A Uniontown Thanksgiving" here: https://forfairbanks.wordpress.com/2024/11/26/a-uniontown-thanksgiving-2/ Have a healthy, fun, and filling Thanksgiving! #ForFairbanks

Good morning - Due to dense fog, Fairbanks Local Schools will be operating on a 2-hour delay schedule for Wednesday, November 20. Please continue to monitor district communications for any changes. Stay safe and see you soon Panthers!

Good afternoon! Please check out our newest blog "Authentic Learning in Fairbanks Local Schools" here: https://forfairbanks.wordpress.com/2024/11/12/authentic-learning-in-fairbanks-local-schools/ Very proud of our students and staff! #ForFairbanks

Good morning - Due to a power outage on Fairbanks' campus, we will be operating on a 2-hour delay schedule for Wednesday, November 6. We are monitoring the status with Union Rural Electric. Please monitor district communications for potential changes. See everyone soon!

Good morning! It has been a great first nine weeks in Fairbanks Local Schools. Please check out our "First Nine Weeks" update here: https://forfairbanks.wordpress.com/2024/10/18/time-flies-first-nine-weeks-update/ Have a great Friday and go Panthers!! #ForFairbanks

Good afternoon! Please check out our latest facility update here: https://forfairbanks.wordpress.com/2024/10/09/october-facility-update/ #ForFairbanks

Good afternoon! Please watch the October Master Facility Update for Fairbanks Local Schools: https://youtu.be/-rJuwS79tHI Thank you for all you do for Fairbanks!! #ForFairbanks

Good evening Fairbanks Community - The Fairbanks Homecoming Football Game and Events have been postponed due to a power outage on Fairbanks School Campus. The varsity football game will be played at 10AM tomorrow. Please look for additional details.

Good morning! The following message was also emailed to families and residents regarding the Ohio State Report Card: https://forfairbanks.wordpress.com/2024/09/13/state-report-card/ #ForFairbanks

Happy Friday! Check out our newest blog "Senior Year" here: https://forfairbanks.wordpress.com/2024/09/06/senior-year/ #ForFairbanks #ClassOf2025

Happy Friday! Please check out the "Start of the Year Tips" as you plan for the school year: https://youtu.be/wTKnIyBGacM Go Panthers! #ForFairbanks

Good afternoon! Today I had the privilege to welcome our @FairbanksLocal staff back. Here is the message I shared with them: https://forfairbanks.wordpress.com/2024/08/12/back-to-basics/ #ForFairbanks

Good afternoon! Hope you are having a great Friday. Please check out our latest video update here: https://youtu.be/MQOnc3FlQfs. Have a great weekend! #ForFairbanks

Good morning! Please check out our latest blog "This Summer....Four Things for Fairbanks" here: https://forfairbanks.wordpress.com/2024/06/13/this-summer-four-things-for-fairbanks/ Have a great week! #ForFairbanks

Happy Monday! It is Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week. We are so thankful for the work our teachers and staff do in @FairbanksLocal. They are difference makers! #ForFairbanks

Good afternoon - Due to road closures, area flooding, and predicted weather, Fairbanks Local Schools are dimissing students at 2:00 pm. Please contact your student's school offices if you have specific concerns leading into dismissal. All after school activities are cancelled.

Good afternoon! Please check out our newest blog "Big Things Big, Small Things Small" here: https://forfairbanks.wordpress.com/2024/04/01/big-things-big-small-things-small/ Have a great week! #ForFairbanks

Good morning! Our final video for the State of the Schools is the “Master Facility Plan”. Check it out here: https://youtu.be/l5OsXSi0ye4 #GoPanthers #StateoftheSchools

Good morning! Check out our Thursday video highlighting “After School Clubs at the Elementary School”: https://youtu.be/WSwtKbPKsKc #GoPanthers #StateoftheSchools